Workshops for Teams
Empower your people to Speak with Confidence, Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety and Communicate Effectively
Public speaking confidence is one of the most powerful things you can give your teams. It is the most important skill for career development and a team who are confident and aspirational are able to best support the goals of your business.
It is more important than ever that the conversations we have are effective ones, and that comes down to how present we are. So much of what we face in the modern world of work serves to take us out of a state of connection & requires us to be in a million places at once.
My trainings will help your people find confidence, connection and clarity so that they can:
Negotiate Confidently
Speak up in Meetings
Pitch Successfully
Build Relationships Through Meaningful Conversations.
Communicate Successfully as a Team
My workshops are always bespoke and I will work with you to make the work relevant to your company’s specific requirements. My workshops can be delivered virtually or in person.
Themes can include:
- Storytelling in Business
- Presentation Training
- Discovering Presence (and how we can use it)
- Effective Communication Training
If you are passionate about empowering your teams to communicate with confidence then my workshops will get you the results you’re looking for.